sexta-feira, maio 16, 2008

Giorgio Caproni

Giorgio Caproni
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Giorgio Caproni (Livorno, January 7, 1912 - January 22, 1990) was an Italian poet, literary critic and translator, especially from the French.
Caproni left Livorno at the age of ten to complete his primary studies in Genoa, where he studied first music, then literature, and where he wrote his first poems. After participating in World War II as a member of the Italian resistance movement, he spent many years as an elementary school teacher. In 1945 he went to Rome, where he contributed to a number of journals; besides poetry he also wrote criticism and novellas and contributed translations. His book Il passaggio di Enea collected all of his poems written to 1956 and reflected his experiences in combat during World War II and serving with the Resistance. He also oversaw a series of translations of foreign works, chief among which was Death on Credit by Louis-Ferdinand Céline.
Caproni's poetry touches on a number of recurring themes, most notably Genoa, his mother and birthplace, and travel, and combines a sense of refinement in both meter and style to immediacy and clarity of feeling. Among his other works:
Le stanze della funicolare (1952)
Il seme del piangere (1959)
Congedo del viaggiatore cerimonioso & altre prosopopee (1965)
Il muro della terra (1975)
Il franco cacciatore (1982)
Conte di Kevenhüller (1986)
L'opera in versi (1998), containing his complete output
Per lei

[edit] External links
[1] - Giorgio Caproni on the Italian Wikiquote
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